Happy 4th Anniversary to the weekly Canada Customs and Revenue Agency Story of the Week :CCRA SOTW
(too old to reply)
Alan Baggett
2007-03-14 17:28:33 UTC
Following is the tax tale that started it all (and a link to that
historic thread).


I was told a slightly different version of this tale (link above) by
Gladstone Sue of the Toronto West TSO (Mississauga).

The theft of all of Canada's Social Insurance Numbers took place
(allegedly by one Andreas Hackner) in the early 1980's BC 'Before
Computer' at the Toronto Office before Toronto was subdivided into 4
offices. The culprit was a very close friend of Gladstone Sue
explaining why he knows these intimate details.

Mr. Kelly Bert Manning wrote that the employee was disgruntled which
is why he stole the fiche but that is not quite accurate.

Gladstone says that Andreas wanted to start a business locating
individuals that had lost or forgotten bank accounts. Information on
dormant bank accounts is published and he was going to charge a fee to
reunite them. The question was however 'How would he be able to
quickly and easily locate the individuals?' There were lots of ways
but the easiest way was via Revenue Canada microfiche. The microfiche
holds everything names, SIN's and most importantly - current addresses
of all Canadians (as long as they are filed up to date).

One day (on his day off I was told) Andreas walked into the Toronto
office dumped the fiche and reader into a garbage bag and walked out.
He was fingered because someone remembered that he was in the office
on his day off. The last place the average Civil Servant would be
found on his day off, the Union frowns on it. When they questioned
Andreas he admitted it.

And the result?

The Toronto Director and Head of Security were canned.

And Mr. Hackner?

He got six months in jail. Apparently he told his grandma that he was
quitting his job and was taking a vacation (so as not to upset her).

I know lots of interesting stories about Revenue Canada and the CCRA.
Would this be a good venue to air some of them? (With names of

(Here's another tickler here)

Miss a Tax Tale Miss a lot!
Click the link for the new, updated and revised CCRA SOTW index!

Karen Gordon
2007-03-14 22:37:26 UTC
"Alan Baggett" (***@yahoo.com) writes:
[redirected from end of message...]
Post by Alan Baggett
I know lots of interesting stories about Revenue Canada and the CCRA.
Would this be a good venue to air some of them? (With names of

(K): Go for it.... just watch your backside. Revenue Canada is just one
step above the IRS for its unholy reputation for persecuting people....
Post by Alan Baggett
Following is the tax tale that started it all (and a link to that
historic thread).
I was told a slightly different version of this tale (link above) by
Gladstone Sue of the Toronto West TSO (Mississauga).
The theft of all of Canada's Social Insurance Numbers took place
(allegedly by one Andreas Hackner) in the early 1980's BC 'Before
Computer' at the Toronto Office before Toronto was subdivided into 4
offices. The culprit was a very close friend of Gladstone Sue
explaining why he knows these intimate details.
Mr. Kelly Bert Manning wrote that the employee was disgruntled which
is why he stole the fiche but that is not quite accurate.
Gladstone says that Andreas wanted to start a business locating
individuals that had lost or forgotten bank accounts. Information on
dormant bank accounts is published and he was going to charge a fee to
reunite them. The question was however 'How would he be able to
quickly and easily locate the individuals?' There were lots of ways
but the easiest way was via Revenue Canada microfiche. The microfiche
holds everything names, SIN's and most importantly - current addresses
of all Canadians (as long as they are filed up to date).
One day (on his day off I was told) Andreas walked into the Toronto
office dumped the fiche and reader into a garbage bag and walked out.
He was fingered because someone remembered that he was in the office
on his day off. The last place the average Civil Servant would be
found on his day off, the Union frowns on it. When they questioned
Andreas he admitted it.
And the result?
The Toronto Director and Head of Security were canned.
And Mr. Hackner?
He got six months in jail. Apparently he told his grandma that he was
quitting his job and was taking a vacation (so as not to upset her).
(Here's another tickler here)
Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want -
and deserve to get it good and hard.
2007-03-15 01:23:15 UTC
Post by Karen Gordon
[redirected from end of message...]
Post by Alan Baggett
I know lots of interesting stories about Revenue Canada and the
CCRA. Would this be a good venue to air some of them? (With names
of course)
(K): Go for it.... just watch your backside. Revenue Canada is
just one step above the IRS for its unholy reputation for
persecuting people.
Karen Alan Bagget is well known in can.taxes. Don't make youself look
even more foolish by flattering a troll like him with a reply. He has
been posting his garbage for a long time in other groups.
2007-03-15 02:41:35 UTC
Post by Karen Gordon
[redirected from end of message...]
Post by Alan Baggett
I know lots of interesting stories about Revenue Canada and the CCRA.
Would this be a good venue to air some of them? (With names of
(K): Go for it.... just watch your backside. Revenue Canada is just one
step above the IRS for its unholy reputation for persecuting people....
If you feel that you have received improper treatment at the hands of
the CRA (and can back it up) then of course you should discuss it.

The reason the CRA can, on occasion, treat folks badly and get away
with it is because many people are embarrassed to have dealings with
the agency and so zip their lips.
Post by Karen Gordon
Post by Alan Baggett
Following is the tax tale that started it all (and a link to that
historic thread).
I was told a slightly different version of this tale (link above) by
Gladstone Sue of the Toronto West TSO (Mississauga).
The theft of all of Canada's Social Insurance Numbers took place
(allegedly by one Andreas Hackner) in the early 1980's BC 'Before
Computer' at the Toronto Office before Toronto was subdivided into 4
offices. The culprit was a very close friend of Gladstone Sue
explaining why he knows these intimate details.
Mr. Kelly Bert Manning wrote that the employee was disgruntled which
is why he stole the fiche but that is not quite accurate.
Gladstone says that Andreas wanted to start a business locating
individuals that had lost or forgotten bank accounts. Information on
dormant bank accounts is published and he was going to charge a fee to
reunite them. The question was however 'How would he be able to
quickly and easily locate the individuals?' There were lots of ways
but the easiest way was via Revenue Canada microfiche. The microfiche
holds everything names, SIN's and most importantly - current addresses
of all Canadians (as long as they are filed up to date).
One day (on his day off I was told) Andreas walked into the Toronto
office dumped the fiche and reader into a garbage bag and walked out.
He was fingered because someone remembered that he was in the office
on his day off. The last place the average Civil Servant would be
found on his day off, the Union frowns on it. When they questioned
Andreas he admitted it.
And the result?
The Toronto Director and Head of Security were canned.
And Mr. Hackner?
He got six months in jail. Apparently he told his grandma that he was
quitting his job and was taking a vacation (so as not to upset her).
(Here's another tickler here)
Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want -
and deserve to get it good and hard.
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