Bohgosity BumaskiL
2013-08-22 07:09:49 UTC
"Counter" meanz opposite, az in opposite *part* of an idea; thus
counterpart. Shakespeare rejected the difference between good and
evil. So duz this song:
Even the bible did it while Adam and Eve were in Eden.
For every effect iz a cause. An effect iz not a cause. For every
cause iz an effect. A cause iz not an effect. "To effect an effect"
iz kunfyuuzhun (confusion), beekuz it would hav you believe that the
same word can mean *opposite* thingz. "To cause an effect" iz clear.
orijinal meaning iz more clear and accurate. To be clear, olwayz
yuuz "effect" as a noun, and "affect" az a verb. For "affect" az a
noun are "countenance" and "attitude". You can even say that someone
had a depressing effect on you. For "effect" az a verb iz "koz".
[Wun way tuu duu dhat, Smith wroht, wuz tuu yuuz dhuh power
you did in an analogy that breaks too soon, and I will take a stab
at it. Nature sidez with the hidden flaw.
things are not real. Real things are not imajinary. Imajinary
numbers are multiplied by the square root of negative one (i), which
iz not real, unles further calculations lead to squaring it, which
mayks it -1. "Real" and "imajinary" are opposites. Before sumthing
beekumz real, it iz imajinary. After something imajinary can come
sumthing real. Real and imajinary numberz form complex numbers, in
which they are *counterparts* that affect each udher in
kalkyuulayshunz. Imajinary numberz lead to real numberz in fraktlz,
so kompleks numberz are eefektivly a computer's imajination. "Real"
and "imajinary" are kuntrasting kownterparts, therefore "real" and
"imajinary" are antonymz.
"Counterpart" and "Antonym" are Synonymz.
BrewJay's Fractal Gallery:
"Counterpart" is similar to "Antonym".
In that they are labels for pairs of things.counterpart. Shakespeare rejected the difference between good and
evil. So duz this song:
Even the bible did it while Adam and Eve were in Eden.
For every effect iz a cause. An effect iz not a cause. For every
cause iz an effect. A cause iz not an effect. "To effect an effect"
iz kunfyuuzhun (confusion), beekuz it would hav you believe that the
same word can mean *opposite* thingz. "To cause an effect" iz clear.
One way to do that, Smith wrote, was to use the power
and influence of these senior positions to affect change.
For me, "effect" seems more appropriate in this context.
How do you think?
Not if your intention iz to egzajerayt senior influence. Theand influence of these senior positions to affect change.
For me, "effect" seems more appropriate in this context.
How do you think?
orijinal meaning iz more clear and accurate. To be clear, olwayz
yuuz "effect" as a noun, and "affect" az a verb. For "affect" az a
noun are "countenance" and "attitude". You can even say that someone
had a depressing effect on you. For "effect" az a verb iz "koz".
[Wun way tuu duu dhat, Smith wroht, wuz tuu yuuz dhuh power
You have not provided an example of things that are counterparts being
words that are antonyms.
I do not see an eazy way to do that without making the same mistaykwords that are antonyms.
you did in an analogy that breaks too soon, and I will take a stab
at it. Nature sidez with the hidden flaw.
Antonyms are pairs of words, and words only.
Antonymz are pairz uv kuntrasting if not *opposite* words. Imajinarythings are not real. Real things are not imajinary. Imajinary
numbers are multiplied by the square root of negative one (i), which
iz not real, unles further calculations lead to squaring it, which
mayks it -1. "Real" and "imajinary" are opposites. Before sumthing
beekumz real, it iz imajinary. After something imajinary can come
sumthing real. Real and imajinary numberz form complex numbers, in
which they are *counterparts* that affect each udher in
kalkyuulayshunz. Imajinary numberz lead to real numberz in fraktlz,
so kompleks numberz are eefektivly a computer's imajination. "Real"
and "imajinary" are kuntrasting kownterparts, therefore "real" and
"imajinary" are antonymz.
"Counterpart" and "Antonym" are Synonymz.
BrewJay's Fractal Gallery: